SYNERGY SRN NANO is a liquid farm fertilizer that can be absorbed directly through the leaf rather than having to wash down into the root zone to be plant absorbed. The small particle size of NANO allows nitrogen to be directly absorbed through the leaf pores (polar cuticular pathways). The result is instant plant absorption and a 4-12 times better plant response per pound of nitrogen applied. P, K, S, and micro nutrients can be added to SRN NANO. Tank mixing is possible with nearly all herbicides, fungicides, and agrochemicals. SRN NANO is crop safe amd can be applied directly on crop leaves without concern of leaf burn associated with use of other forms of liquid nitrogen fertilizer. SYNERGY SRN NANO is made up of 18% nitrogen that is immediately absorbed by the crop. The remaining 72% of the nitrogen is a slow release.product that remains on the leaf in polymer form. UV light breaks down this polymer gradually over a period of 21-28 days and the nitrogen is released into the crop. Any other nutrients, herbicides, and fungicides are slow released over the same time frame. The result is tank mix synergy and improved crop health.

The Canadian government is planning for up to a 20% a reduction in soil applied fertilizers in the near future. The need to fall and spring apply 100% of the entire season nutrition requirements may be at risk. Foliar application alone cannot provide all of the nutrient required. However, 20% or more of the plant nutrition requirements can be foliar applied. Not applying a100% of your fertilizer needs before seeing how Mother Nature is going to behave for the season. This mitigates some crop input risk on a poor crop due to weather related yield loss.


At Avonlea Farm Sales Ltd., we are dedicated to providing our customers with farming equipment and supplies that improve their processes and protect soil health. As a supplier of TopKrop low salt starter fertilizer and low salt liquid fertilizers, you can depend on us to support you in protecting and improving your soil. Connect with a member of our team today and let us help you choose a low-salt fertilizer that supports your soil and improves your crops.


Stock #  26141939DO

Liquid Foliar Fertilizer with 72% Slow Release Crop Safe Nitrogen

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SYNERGY SRN NANO brings plant nutrition to a new level! Foliar feeding nitrogen during the growing season can be up to 14 times more effective than soil applied nitrogen alone. Apply by ground, air, or pivot! Alone or with other products!

SYNERGY occurs when herbicides and fungicides are tank mixed with SRN NANO. The result is better than using any product alone. Weed control and crop disease resistance is improved.

SRN ( Slow Release Nitrogen) is the future of plant nutrition. 28% of the nitrogen in SRN NANO is absorbed immediately, to stimulate chlorophyl production and increase BRIX (plant sugar) numbers. 72% of the nitrogen is slow release and "sticks" to the leaves until UV light from sunshine breaks the nitrogen down. This occurs over a 21-28 day period, maintaining chlorophyl production and plant vigor. Herbicides tank mixed are slow released along with the NANO. The result is superior weed control. Fungicides tank mixed are slow released into the crop along with the  NANO. Fungicides can be applied earlier and will protect the crop for up to 28 days after application. The result is less disease pressure and better plant health.

NANO refers to the small molecule size of this product, which allows direct leaf absorption. The nutrient value of the foliar absorbed nitrogen is a minimum of 4 times greater than soil applied nitrogen in heavy clay soils. In sandy soils the nutrient value can be up to 12 times greater.

Other urea products like 28-0-0 and UAN have too large of a molecule to be leaf absorbed and have to wash down into the root zone for absorption. There is no benefit from the increased nutrient value associated with foliar absorption. The high salt content of these products makes leaf burn and crop set back a real possability.

There is 0.78 lbs per litre (2.95 lbs/USG) of nitrogen in SYNERGY SRN NANO. One litre foliar applied is equivalent to between 3.1 & 9.4 lbs of soil applied nitrogen, depending on the soil type.

Up to 20% of soil applied nitrogen can be replaced by foliar feeding. This reduces the amount of soluble salt being added to the soil profile as well as making your farm compliant to upcoming fertilizer reduction targets.

SYNERGY SRN NANO improves herbicide performance!

Spring burn off: 

Add 1-2 litres/acre of  SYNERGY SRN NANO to gylphosate. Tough to kill weeds like Kochia, Dandelions, and Thistle are no match for this tank mix!

Tank mix with herbicides: 

Add 3-7 litres/acre (depending how much nitrogen your crop requires) of  SYNERGY SRN NANO to your herbicide program. Often herbicides "burn off" weed foliage without killing the plant. SRN slow releases the herbicide to improve chemical performance. DO NOT USE SURFACTANTS with this tank mix.

Tank mix with fungicides: 

Fungicides applied alone are absorbed immediately and the length of protection is relatively short. It is critical to spray as close to the infection date as possible. Often this narrow window of application is difficult to achieve.

Adding  SYNERGY SRN NANO slow releases fungicides so earlier application is possible. Fungicide is delivered to the crop for up to 28 days after application. Plant health is also improved by feeding nitrogen to the plants. Many producers are applying fungicides up to 5 days sooner.

One of the chemicals used in nearly all fungicides is chloride.  SYNERGY SRN-C is a chloride infused product that has the same slow release characteristics. The analysis is 17-0-0-08cl.

SYNERGY SRN-P-K-C contains phosphate, potash, and chloride for crops that respond well to late season applications. The analysis of this foliar liquid is 10-3-4-0-8cl.


SRN-K-S  72% SRN plus Potash & Sulphur (20-0-7.5-5). For use in crops that require additional K & S.

SRN-P-K  30% SRN plus Phosphate & Potash (10-20-2-0). Ideal for flowering crops.

MICRO  provides Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, & Boron to SYNERGY products.

Use of foliar liquid fertilizer is a perfect "top up"  to TopKrop ELEVEN SUPERSTART starter fertilizer or Top Krop LS6-24 liquid starter.

Black Earth humic acid and ACF-SR biologicals are also important parts of the total soil health and plant health equation.

Send us your soil tests and we will provide specific recommendations for your crops and your soil.

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What Types of Fertilizer Should I Consider?

Different types of fertilizer should be used throughout the growing process to best support crops and soil. Starter fertilizer is used during the development of seedlings to promote growth while ACF-SR foliar fertilizer can protect soil and crops by ensuring the right amount of bacteria and fungi are present. Knowing which fertilizer is best for soil health doesn’t have to be complicated. You can feel confident that using TopKrop low salt liquid fertilizer will be protective and supportive for your soil.

What Types of Fertilizer Storage are Available?

Adequate fertilizer storage is essential to protecting the fertilizer itself and also the environment. Turn to convenient hopper bins for dry fertilizer storage, or find liquid fertilizer tanks that suit your needs perfectly. At Avonlea, we are sure to have a fertilizer storage solution that is right for your farm and improves your day-to-day processes.